

We primarily sell farmhouse, bohemian, and vintage style home decor and gifts. Our mission is to prevent quality pre-loved items from ending up in landfills around the United States.

XO Thrifts works hard to provide you with quality love and care from our friendly customer service, to the way we package, protect, and deliver your items at an affordable price. While our items may be pre-loved, we hope they contribute to a newfound happiness and renewed chance of creating lasting memories and comfort in your home.


We are a family of three, plus two cats. I (Sara) have Cystic Fibrosis and I am currently inactive on the list for a double lung transplant. I am a stay at home mom to an amazing little boy. My hobbies are designing, writing, shopping, socializing, and creating new ideas.

I am the owner of XO Thrifts, although Alex helps with logistical solutions and accounting questions from time to time. Speaking of Alex, he enjoys video games, podcasts, and watching YouTube videos to learn new skills. Our son is the morale booster and product tester of the company. He loves playing with construction trucks, playing outside in nature, eating cookies, and snuggling warm blankets.

We have bounced a lot of ideas back and forth over the years, but I have been wanting to have my own shop for a while and I figured now is the time after seeing another mom with CF start her own shop. I’m excited to help contribute to society and bring something to the table. I can’t wait to get started and I’m looking forward to sharing my treasures with you.